
Assembly instructions.

Step 1

Check the contents.

Remove all parts from your package and check all the contents are there.

What you will find:

  • Cardboard tube
  • Pole
  • Top plate
  • Bottom plate
  • Grub screws x2


  • Allen key
  • Washers
  • Stud finder
  • CD

What you will need:

  • Ladder or steps
  • Cresent
  • Level (not essential)
  • A friend

Remove the contents of your package.

Check your contents.

Some tools you may need.

 Step 2

Attaching the top and bottom plates.

With the pole laying on the ground simply slide the bottom plate into the bottom of the pole. Repeat for the top plate at the other end. Make sure the nuts are wound against plates.

Slide bottom plate into the pole.

Repeat for the other end.

Step 3

Locating the ceiling joist.

By now you should have a rough idea where you would like your pole to go. You may now need a ladder or steps depending on your pole height. A friend is helpful at this point for extra safety to support you while finding the joist. It is very important to get the pole in the centre of the joist.

Locate the ceiling joist using the stud finder.

Make sure the pole is in the centre of the joist.

Step 4

Erecting your pole.

With the bottom plate directly below the joist lift the top end up and postion the top plate to the joist. Using your adjustable cresent wind the nut out until tight against the pole then tighten firmly but not excessively as you will have to tighten one last time. Stand back a few feet and check your pole is aligned at a right angle to the ceiling by means of a level or you can do this by eye using a door frame or wall edge as a guide.

Use the adjustable cresent to wind the nut out.

Check the pole is at a right angle to the ceiling

Step 5

Inserting locking pin for spinning/static pole.

This is used to change the pole from Spinning to Static mode. On the top side of the bottom plate you will see two dimples on either side of the pole. They are your guides for the two grub screws.

Note: Locking Pin must be placed into pole after the Bottom plate is in position. Thread the locking pin into pole clock wise.

UNLOCK: Spinning Pole

  • Wind grub screw anti clockwise till they are flush with pole.
  • Then the pole will spin.

LOCK: Static Pole

  • Turn the pole till the grub screw holes line up with the indicator markers on the plate.
  • Then tighten with vein pressure on both grub screws clockwise with Allen key provided.